User Guide

Make sure no one else is pairing your KaiBot while you
are using it.
KaiBot’s battery is flat, you’ll need to plug KaiBot into a
powered USB socket.
The loading of the emoji is taking too long.
Only the last loaded emoji remains in KaiBot memory,
so to speed up the process, change your Kainundrum
emoji to match your KaiBot, this will dramatically speed
up the pairing process. You can also skip the emoji
loading, but your KaiBot will not display the image.
Tip: Have you noticed that all KaiBots are identical siblings? So how do we tell them apart?
Every KaiBot includes number stickers you can use to easily identify them. Stick them on KaiBot’s
body so students can avoid taking another person’s little companion by mistake.
Tip : Keep KaiBot close to your computer with the browser open to speed
up the emoji loading process
KaiBot is a versatile little guy
This is a comparison chart to see what you can do with KaiBot and the optional accessories which we will
break down:
Scan and
KaiBot with
coding cards
Coding cards
converted to
Blockly code *
Coding cards
converted to
Python text
code *
Move around
accurately on
Virtual KaiBot
in Kainundrum
mirrored with
physical Kaibot
KaiBot with