User Guide

Types of Coding Cards
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a style of programming that involves structuring code into logical,
self-contained objects. In object-oriented programming data structures or objects are defined, each with
its own properties or attributes. Each object can also contain its own procedures or methods.
The Structure of a Coding Card Program
Data Types and Variables
Programming is all about manipulating data, but what is data? Data is information that we store in our
computer programs. For example, your name is a piece of data, and so is your age. The color of your
hair, how many siblings you have, where you live, all of these things are data. In the coding cards, we
only have one type of data and that is Numbers . In coding languages like Python or Javascript, you can
also have other data types like Strings and Booleans.
Strings are used to represent text like your name. A string can look like this:
“Hello KaiBot”
Booleans are a value that can either be True or False. E.g. Are you wearing a hat. Boolean looks like
Numbers within the coding cards are treated as integers. Fractions and decimals are not integers. A
Number can be a positive or negative Number . E.g. -7 is an integer. A Number in Python looks like this:
In computer programming, a variable has a name and contains a value. Think of a box containing a
number of marbles. The box is the name and the number of marbles in the box is a Number . A variable
can be of different data types, Numbers , strings and Booleans . A variable might look like this in Python:
Box = 75;
First_Name = “KaiBot”;
Hat = true;