User Guide

Coding Card
Place the Run Function card in your main code. Refer to the below example.
Placing KaiBot on the Run Function card will not make him immediately perform the
function. The function is treated as a subset program of your main code.
There are two sets of function cards. Set 1 and Set 2.
Functions are sets of code that contain one or more steps to complete a specific
action. Functions can be small, simple, straightforward or long, complicated, and
multifaceted. Functions can contain all the regular coding cards within them, excluding
the Start, End & Run Program cards.
The [ bracket opens the function and any cards after this must then be closed with a ]
Record Function End. Always record functions, before recording your main code.
Place your code between the Record Function Start [ and the ] Record Function End.
Place the Run Function card in your main code. Refer to the below example.
Placing KaiBot on the Run Function card will not make him immediately perform the
function. The function is treated as a subset program of your main code.