User Guide

Debugging Code
KaiBots built-in interpreter will record each scanned card, alongside this
process, is KaiBots bug identifier.
The debugger is in charge of constantly checking the scanned code and
ensuring that it’s valid.
When it comes to teaching children problem-solving, few methods are as
powerful as learning to debug code. The process of finding bugs and
implementing debugging strategies is great practice for problem-solving as
well as helping children understand how to solve problems they come
across in the real world.
When working with computers and writing code, something can always go wrong. It’s a major part of
computational thinking and problem-solving. When things don’t work as you wanted them, it’s okay. “Just
keep on swimming”.
On 9 September 1947 the word "bug" was used by Grace
Hopper in her diary, where she referred to a moth as a bug.
As this bug was found in the computer, the term caught on
and is now used to define errors or faults found in our
Incremental Testing
No programmer wants to deal with a dozen or more bugs all at the same time. Moreover, they don’t want
to have to search hundreds of lines of code to find the source of a bug. This is why — instead of finishing
a large project and then testing — programmers test the code as they go, breaking the code into smaller
sections and testing each small section of code.
Even the most complicated computer program, video game, or algorithm can be decomposed into tiny
steps. Coders take these individual steps, create them one at a time, and test each as they go. By
following this best practice, even beginner coders can manage to debug with ease.
Once KaiBot finds a bug in your code, get the student to try and figure out why it’s occurring. The best
way to start on this is just to take a look at what the code is doing and get the student to try and perform
and walk out the steps and sequences to understand what the code is supposed to do.
Rubber Duck Debugging
In software engineering, rubber duck debugging is a method of debugging
code by articulating a problem. This method helps your students find bugs in
their code. The term rubber duck refers to an entity that has less than half a
brain and understands almost nothing about a given problem.