User Guide

Visionary Inspirators
Meet some of the brilliant people that helped to inspire and guide us to make Kainundrum perfect for the
Brian Host
Brian is a passionate educator that loves working with 21st-century learners and
technology. Driven by the current pedagogical research into personalized learning,
differentiation, and technology integration he sees students become lifelong
learners that engaged with their world.
Martin Levins
Martin is a recovering Director of IT, a tinkerer and a thinkerer, he loves technology
because he likes playing & believes it's really important in learning.
Heidi Williams
Heidi Williams is a passionate coding and computational thinking advocate. She
has over 30 years of experience in education including 17 years as a 6-8th grade
teacher, 6 years as an instructional and technology coach, and 5 years as a K-8
administrator. Williams has shared her passion for integrating coding into the
curriculum at local, state, regional, and national conferences, and many have
leveraged her expertise for conference presentations, coding coaching,
professional development, and K-12 scope and sequence alignment of computer
science skills throughout the curriculum. Visit for a wealth of CS
administrator and teacher resources.
Alicia Verweij
Education consultant with over a decade of experience in corporate America,
successful business owner, 12 years of teaching experience in various grade levels,
professional development leader, and business consultant. Holds a Master’s
degree in Educational Leadership, a Bachelor of Science in Business Management,
and an endorsement in Gifted Education.