Product Card

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home appliances; arc or resistance welders; equipment with large motors; induction furnaces; very
large or defective electric motors; and internal combustion engines with poorly shielded ignition
The patient should avoid strong magnetic fields since they are potentially capable of inhibiting
tachyarrhythmia therapies. If a patient is frequently in a high-magnetic-field environment and
therefore at risk of not having therapies delivered, you may choose to program the device to ignore
magnetic fields. Therapies would then be delivered in the normal manner in response to detected
arrhythmias. Magnet application would have no effect on operation.
Advise patients to not play sports or engage in activities where there is a risk of repetitive blows to
the implanted device area.
Twiddler's Syndrome: Caution patients against manipulating the implanted device as it may result
in lead damage or lead displacement.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) may interfere with device function. To reduce
interference, place the TENS electrodes close to one another and as far away from the device/lead
system as possible. Monitor cardiac activity during TENS use.
Radiofrequency Ablation
Radiofrequency ablation in a patient with a pulse generator may cause malfunction or damage.