User's Manual

System profiles 37
Table 7
Advanced configuration fields (cont’d.)
SMS Notification
If you select Yes, the system displays a success
or failure notification message for every SMS
that the user sends. If you select No, the user
does not receive notification messages.
Conference ID
The conference ID that matches the ad hoc
conference name on the call control server.
Alpha To Digit
If the device includes a hardware keyboard,
but the keyboard lacks a numeric dialpad,
you must configure alpha to digit mapping to
facilitate dialing telephone numbers by using
the alphanumeric keys on the keyboard. For
example, if 0 is on the same key as A, enter A
as the first character of the map, and then enter
the character corresponding to 1.
Leave this field blank if you do not want to use
alpha to digit mapping.
If the alpha to digit map is misconfigured,
users must select the Shift key before they
select an alphanumeric key on the hardware
keyboard of the device.
Alpha To Digit
Select this check box to enable alpha-to-digit
mapping. It is enabled by default when the
MCC 3100 for Windows Mobile Dual Mode is
installed on any device that does not support the
Call Dialpad.
If alpha to digit mapping is enabled, the mapped
keys function as numeric keys. For example, if
0 is mapped to A, the A key always functions
as the 0 key. Disable alpha to digit mapping to
restore alphabetic functionality.
Nortel Mobile Communication 3100 Series Portfolio
Nortel Mobile Communication Client 3100 for Windows Mobile Dual Mode Administration
NN42030-601 02.01 Standard
9 May 2008
Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks