Administrator's Guide

Screen reference
555-233-5061090 Issue 5 October 2002
Barrier Code Length
Assign a barrier code length of 7 to provide maximum security.
Calls Used
This display-only field shows the number of calls placed using the corresponding
barrier code. This field is incremented each time a barrier code is successfully
used to access the Remote Access feature. A usage that exceeds the expected rate
indicates improper use.
Assign the most restrictive class of restriction (COR), that provides only the level
of service required, to provide the maximum security.
Assign the most restrictive class of service (COS), that provides only the level of
service required to provide the maximum security.
Disable Following a Security Violation
This field appears on the screen when the SVN Authorization Code Violation
Notification Enabled field on the Security-Related System Parameters screen is
set to
Valid entries Usage
to 7 or blank Enter a number to indicate the length of the barrier code.
Valid entries Usage
to 95 Enter the COR number associated with the barrier code that
defines the call restriction features.
Valid entries Usage
to 15 Enter the COS number, associated with the barrier code, that
defines access permissions for Call Processing features.
entries Usage
Enter y to disable the remote access feature following detection of
a remote access security violation. The system administrator can
re-enable Remote Access using the enable remote access