Administrator's Guide

Screen reference
555-233-5061150 Issue 5 October 2002
When a cell phone is mapped to more than one XMOBILE station, then only one
of the mapped XMOBILE station may have
origination or both as its Mapping
Mode. Therefore, only one of the XMOBILE stations mapped to the cell phone
number is permitted to originate calls.
Map-to Station
This is the physical phone used for calls to a virtual extension. Do not use an
xmobile, xdid or another virtual extension.
Media Complex Ext
When used with Multi-media Call Handling, indicates which extension is
assigned to the data module of the multimedia complex. Users can dial this
extension to place either a voice or a data call, and voice conversion, coverage,
and forwarding apply as if the call were made to the 1-number.
Valid entries Usage
The cell phone can be used to originate and terminate
calls from its associated XMOBILE extension. This is
the default when the XMOBILE Type field is PHS or
none The XMOBILE station is disabled administratively and
cannot originate and terminate calls from its associated
internal extension.
origination The cell phone may be used only to originate calls from
its associated internal XMOBILE extension by dialing
into the office switch.
termination The cell phone may be used only to terminate calls
from its associated internal XMOBILE extension. This
is the default when the XMOBILE Type field is EC500.
Valid entries Usage
Valid extension number Enter the extension of the physical phone used
for calls to a virtual extension.