Administrator's Guide

Screen reference
555-233-5061158 Issue 5 October 2002
Restrict Last Appearance
Security Code
Enter the security code required by users for specific system features and
functions, including Personal Station Access, Redirection of Calls Coverage
Off-Net, Leave Word Calling, Message Retrieval, and Demand Printing. The
required security code length is determined by Minimum Security Code Length
on the Feature-Related System Parameters screen.
Select Last Used Appearance
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to restrict the last idle call appearance for incoming
priority calls and outgoing call originations only.
Valid entries Usage
Up to 10
To identify the phone location.
Up to 5
To identify the guest room number, if this station is one of
several to be assigned a guest room and the Display Room
Information in Call Display is
y on the Hospitality-Related
System Parameters screen.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to indicate a stations line selection is not to be
moved from the currently selected line button to a different,
non-alerting line button. If you enter
y, the line selection on
an on-hook station only moves from the last used line button
to a line button with an audibly alerting call. If there are no
alerting calls, the line selection remains on the button last
used for a call.
n Enter n so the line selection on an on-hook station with no
alerting calls can be moved to a different line button, which
may be serving a different extension.