Administrator's Guide

Setting up remote office
Issue 5 October 2002 121555-233-506
5. Type add remote office and the number for this remote office, and press
The remote office screen appears.
Screen 2. Remote Office
6. Fill in the following fields:
Node Name - match the name on the IP Node Names screen.
Network Region - this must match the network region on the
IP-Interface screen for the circuit packs that connect this remote
office. Use
display ip-interfaces to find this information.
Location - match the one set up on the Location screen for this
remote office.
Site Data - identify the street address or identifier you want to use
7. Press ENTER to save your changes.
Use status remote office to verify that your switch recognizes the remote
office information. It also displays the extensions and signaling group you
administer next.
Setting up a trunk group
You can modify an existing trunk group or add a new one. In our example, well
add trunk group 6.
add remote-office 6 Page 1 of 1
Node Name: Remote Office 6
Network Region: 22
Location: 1
Site Data: Contact: Joe Smith
Phone: xxx-yyy-zzz