Administrator's Guide

Issue 5 October 2002 1217555-233-506
Music Source
Night Destination
This is a display only field. It contains the tenant number that you entered on the
command line.
Tenant Description
Field descriptions for page 2
Screen 286. Tenant
Valid entries Usage
20 Enter the music/tone source for this partition. These sources
are defined on the Music Sources screen.
Valid entries Usage
A valid
Enter the night service station extension, if you want night
service for this tenant.
Valid entries Usage
40 alpha-numeric
characters or blank
You may leave the description field blank, but
future administration will be easier if you
provide descriptive information.
change tenant 18
Tenant 18
CALLING PERMISSION (Enter y to grant permission to call specified Tenant)
1? y 11? n 21? n 31? n 41? n 51? n 61? n 71? n 81? n 91? n
2? n 12? n 22? n 32? n 42? n 52? n 62? n 72? n 82? n 92? n
3? n 13? n 23? n 33? n 43? n 53? n 63? n 73? n 83? n 93? n
4? n 14? n 24? n 34? n 44? n 54? n 64? n 74? n 84? n 94? n
5? n 15? n 25? n 35? n 45? n 55? n 65? n 75? n 85? n 95? n
6? n 16? n 26? n 36? n 46? n 56? n 66? n 76? n 86? n 96? n
7? n 17? n 27? n 37? n 47? n 57? n 67? n 77? n 87? n 97? n
8? n 18? y 28? n 38? n 48? n 58? n 68? n 78? n 88? n 98? n
9? n 19? n 29? n 39? n 49? n 59? n 69? n 79? n 89? n 99? n
10? n 20? n 30? n 40? n 50? n 60? n 70? n 80? n 90? n 100? n