Administrator's Guide

Trunk Group
Issue 5 October 2002 1233555-233-506
Unrestricted Call List
Trunk Group
Use the Trunk Group screen to set basic characteristics for every type of trunk
group and to assign ports to the group. This section lists and describes all the
fields you might see on the screen. Many fields are dependent on the settings of
other fields and only appear when certain values are entered in other fields on the
screen. For example, the entry in the Group Type field may significantly change
the content and appearance of the Trunk Group screen.
For descriptions of the unique fields used with ISDN trunks, see ‘‘ISDN trunk
group’’ on page 936.
Field descriptions for page 1
The figure below shows a common configuration for page 1 of the Trunk Group
screen when the Group Type field is
tie. This screen is only an example, and the
fields shown below may change or disappear according to specific field settings.
31 10 10 x
40 10 10 x
41 10 10 x
50 10 10 x
51 10 10 x
60 10 10 x
61 10 10 x
70 10 10 x
71 10 10 x
80 10 10 x
81 10 10 x
90 10 10 x
91 10 10 x
Valid entries Usage
Enter x to assign the dialed string to one of the systems
Unrestricted Call Lists (UCL).
Dialed String Min Max Toll List