Administrator's Guide

Phone reference
555-233-5061390 Issue 5 October 2002
4612 IP telephone
The 4612 IP telephone is a multi-appearance digital telephone with 12 call
appearance/feature buttons. With the 4612 IP telephone the end-user can access
12 features with the softkeys and display control buttons.
4620 IP telephone
The 4620 IP telephone has an optional feature expansion module and
downloadable call appearance/feature button information. It also includes features
such as speed dial, call log, and Web browsing using the Wireless Markup
Language (WML). The 4620 IP phone does not need paper labels. The button
information appears on a screen on the phone.
The 4620 uses icons to indicate the status of call appearances, bridge call
appearances and features. The phone maintains a call log with calling party and
called party information. The 4620 has a local button for headset on/off. The
button label information for the 4620 is downloaded automatically to the phone
when a link is established between the switch and the phone. There are three
speakerphone options on the 4620. Labels on the 4620 can be downloaded in
English, French, Italian, Spanish, and user-defined languages.
4624 IP telephone
The 4624 IP telephone is a multi-appearance digital telephone with 24 call
appearance/feature buttons. With the 4624 telephone the end-user can access 12
features with the softkeys and display control buttons. These 12 features can be
used in addition to the features you assign to the call appearance/feature buttons.
4630 IP screenphone
The 4630 IP Screenphone uses a single connection. A large, color, touch-sensitive
screen is used to operate the telephone functions. Avaya recommends that you use
the default settings on the 4630 IP Screenphone administrable feature buttons with
status indication.