Administrator's Guide

Attendant Features
Issue 5 October 2002 1471555-233-506
Automatic Callback
Activating Automatic Callback at the called telephone denies Attendant
Call Waiting.
Call Coverage
Attendant Call Waiting calls redirect to coverage if the called phone has
Data Privacy or Data Restriction activated. If one of these conditions
exists, and you assign call coverage to a telephone, and the user activates
Send All Calls or coverage criteria is met, the call redirects to coverage.
The Coverage Dont Answer interval specifies how long a call
remains directed to the called telephone before redirecting to
coverage. Attendant Call Waiting if applicable on the call, is active
for the duration of the Dont Answer interval only. At the end of this
interval, the call redirects to coverage.
If the Return Call Timeout (Timed Reminder) interval expires
before the Dont Answer interval expires, the call does not go to
coverage, but returns to an attendant console. If the Dont Answer
interval expires first, the call redirects to coverage, but can still
return to the console if a coverage point does not answer the call
before the Return Call Timeout.
If the Station Hunting field is assigned and the called telephone is
busy, the call redirects to the Hunt To Station Assignment.
Data Privacy, Data Restriction
Activating Data Privacy or Data Restriction at the called telephone denies
Attendant Call Waiting.
Direct Department Calling (DDC) and Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)
Calls to a DDC or UCD group do not wait. However, they can enter the
group queue, if provided.
Loudspeaker Paging Access
Activating Loudspeaker Paging Access at the called telephone denies
Attendant Call Waiting.
Music-on-Hold Access
The calling party hears music if the call is a trunk-transferred call
administered to receive Music-on-Hold. Otherwise, the calling party hears
Recorded Telephone Dictation Access
Activating Recorded Telephone Dictation Access at the called telephone
denies Attendant Call Waiting.