Administrator's Guide

Automatic customer telephone rearrangement
Issue 5 October 2002 1493555-233-506
Detailed description
On the Feature-Related System Parameters screen, set the Terminal Translation
Initialization (TTI) Enabled field to
y and the TTI State field to voice.
When a phone is moved, if there is any local auxiliary power (a power
supply plugged into a local AC outlet), the phone must be plugged into an
AC outlet at the phones new location. A phone with remote auxiliary power
must be supplied remote auxiliary power at its new location. If you do not
supply auxiliary power in either case after a phone is moved, some optional
adjuncts (for example, an expansion module) do not operate.
When you enter
always or once in the Automatic Moves field on the station
screen, the switch adds the extension to its ACTR Move List database. When the
phone is plugged in, the switch asks the phone for its serial number and records
the serial number on the ACTR Move List. If you change the entry in the
Automatic Moves field from
always or once to no, the switch removes the
extension from the Move List.
Call processing
When a phone is unplugged while on a call, and a 6400 Serialized phone that is
administered for automatic moves is plugged into the port within 60 seconds:
both extensions are placed in idle state
active calls on either extension are dropped, unless the call is active on a
bridged appearance at some other phone
held calls remain in a hold state
any calls ringing on either extension instantly proceed to the next point in
coverage or station hunting path, unless the call is ringing on a bridged
appearance at some other phone
user actions that were pending when the new phone was plugged in are
Design considerations
You can use the list station movable command to keep track of extensions on the
move list. Once you reach the maximum number, the switch does not allow
additional extensions.