Administrator's Guide

Automatic number identification
Issue 5 October 2002 1497555-233-506
Automatic number identification
Inband Automatic Number Identification
Your switch uses Inband Automatic Number Identification (ANI) to interpret
calling party information, such as a calling party number or a billing number.
Inband signaling is when information such as the address digits for the called
party is delivered over the same trunk circuit used for the voice or data
connection. (Out-of-band or ISDN signaling is when signaling information passes
through a different signaling path than the one used for the voice or data
When a call is made from 555-3800 to your display phone at 81120, and the
Incoming Tone (DTMF) ANI field is set to
*ANI*DNIS*, your trunk group receives
*5553800*81120*. If the field is set to
ANI*DNIS*, your trunk group receives
5553800*81120*. In both cases, Call From 555-3800 appears on your display.
If you do not use Inband ANI, the incoming trunk group name appears on your
phone display.
Related topics
See ‘‘Trunk Group’’ on page 1233 for information about setting Inband ANI on
the trunk group screen.
Outgoing Automatic Number Identification
Outgoing ANI applies to outgoing Russian multi-frequency (MF) ANI, R2-MFC
ANI and Spain Multi Frequency Espana (MFE) ANI trunks only.
Use Outgoing ANI to specify the type of ANI to send on outgoing calls. You can
define MF ANI (the calling party number, sent via multi-frequency signaling)
prefixes by COR. This allows a switch to send different ANIs to different central
For a tandem call that uses different types of incoming and outgoing trunks, the
switch uses:
the incoming trunks COR -assigned call type for Russian or R2-MFC
outgoing trunks
ARS call types for MFE outgoing trunks