Administrator's Guide

Features and technical reference
555-233-5061514 Issue 5 October 2002
Multiappearance telephones
Call Waiting Termination applies only to an active call on the
primary telephone that has no one else bridged on. If one or more
bridging users are active on a call, Call Waiting calls are denied
whether or not the primary user is also off-hook on the call. A
bridging user cannot bridge onto a call with the primary user if there
is also a call waiting.
Conferences can be set up on bridged appearances using the usual
conference operations. Either a primary extension button or a
bridged appearance button can be used to make the calls for adding
to the conference.
You can administer the system to automatically select the first idle
appearance if there is no idle appearance with an extension matching
the extension that is conferencing the call.
When the user presses the conference button (the second time) to
connect the parties together, the newly formed conference call
appears on the primary or bridged appearance to which the user was
connected at the time of that last conference button depression. The
other appearance is disassociated from the conference call.
Therefore, if the original call is on a bridged appearance, and the
conference is formed on an appearance of the bridged users own
primary extension, the bridged extension becomes disassociated
from the conference call and the principal user of that bridged
extension can no longer bridge onto the conference.
This disassociation of the conference from the bridged extension can
be avoided by setting up the conference in the opposite order. To do
this, the user:
1. Presses the hold button to hold the original call on the
bridged appearance
2. Selects a call appearance and calls the party to be added
3. Presses the conference or transfer button
4. Selects the held bridged appearance
5. Presses the conference button (again)
When this procedure is used, the conference is formed on the
bridged appearance so that the primary user of the bridged extension
can still bridge onto the conference call.