Administrator's Guide

Call detail recording
Issue 5 October 2002 1573555-233-506
46 Calling number (1st digit)
4748 Incoming circuit ID (tens, units)
49 Feature flag
5052 Outgoing circuit ID (tens, units, hundreds)
53 Incoming circuit ID (hundreds)
54 IXC
55 Carriage return
56 Line feed
5759 Null
Table 42. CDR data format ISDN LSU
Position Data Field Description
1 Duration-hours
23 Duration-minutes
4 Duration-tenths of minutes
5 Condition code
911 Access code used
1226 Dialed number
2730 Calling number (digits 25 for 5-digit dial plan)
3135 Account code (digits 15)
3642 Authorization code or digits 612 of account code
4344 INS or digits 1314 of account code
45 INS (3rd digit), FRL, or digit 15 of account code
46 Calling number (1st digit of 5-digit calling number)
Continued on next page
Table 41. CDR data format LSU (Continued)
Position Data Field Description
Continued on next page