Administrator's Guide

Features and technical reference
555-233-5061598 Issue 5 October 2002
The format of this field varies from record to record. For printer, Teleseer
and 59-character formats, and the ISDN and enhanced forms of those
records, the numbers appear inverted on the record. For example, the
circuit ID 123 appears as 231 (tens, units, hundreds). If you want to change
this to appear in hundreds, tens, units format (123), use the Modified
Circuit ID Display field on the CDR System Parameters screen.
Packet Count (tsc_ct) 4 digits
For ISDN TSCs, this field contains the number of ISDN-PRI USER INFO
messages sent, received, or (for tandem TSCs) passing through the switch.
Periodic Pulse Metering (PPM) contains pulse counts transmitted over the
trunk line from the serving CO. These are used to determine call charges.
Resource Flag (res_flag) 1 digit
Indicates whether the call was circuit switched or packet switched, whether
a conversion resource was used, or if the call involved a MASI terminal or
0 circuit switched, no conversion device used
1 packet switched, no conversion device used
2 circuit switched, conversion device used
3 packet switched, conversion device used
8 MASI call
For customized records only, this field allows you to set the duration field
to display seconds instead of tenths of minutes.
Space up to 40 characters
The ASCII space character separates other CDR fields or fills unused
record locations.
TSC-Count (tsc_ct)
This is the customized name for Packet Count. See Packet Count.
TSC Flag (tsc_flag) 1 digit
This field describes call records that pertain to temporary signalling
connections. When not equal to 0, this field will indicate the status of the
TSC. Table 54 on page 1599 presents the TSC Flag encoding.