Administrator's Guide

Call forwarding
Issue 5 October 2002 1613555-233-506
Call Forwarding Busy/Dont Answer
The feature is activated or deactivated with a feature-access code or Call Forward
Busy/Dont Answer feature button. An attendant or phone with console
permission can also activate or deactivate the feature for another extension by
using a feature-access code. Virtual extension users cannot activate or deactivate
Call Forwarding Busy/Dont Answer.
Call Forward Busy/Don't Answer cannot be activated for hunt groups, data
extensions, or TEG. Calls to an attendant or Expert Agent Selection (EAS) agent
cannot be forwarded.
Call Forwarding Off Net
When a call is forwarded off net, the forwarded-to number can have up to 18
digits. When counting the 18-digit limit, count the digits in the Trunk Access
Code or Automatic Alternate Routing/Automatic Route Selection (AAR/ARS)
feature access code. Do not count the # used to terminate a forwarded-to
number if the # is used.
If the Coverage of Calls Redirected Off-Net field on the System Parameters
Customer-Options screen and the Coverage of Calls Redirected Off-Net Enabled
field on the System Parameters - Call Coverage/Call Forwarding screen are both
set to
y, the system allows calls forwarded off-net to be monitored for busy or
no-answer conditions. The system may bring the call back for call-coverage
processing if the principals coverage criteria are satisfied at the forwarded-to
destination. However, if the principal does not have a coverage path, the system
does not monitor the call. It is left at the off-net destination regardless of whether
it is answered or busy.
Calls forwarding off net require an available outgoing trunk. Additionally, when
the Coverage of Calls Redirected Off-Net field is
y, a call-classifier port may be
required. If there are no call-classifier ports available when needed, the call still
routes off net, but it is not monitored for call progress tones and cannot be
returned to the switch for further call coverage processing.