Administrator's Guide

Class of restriction
Issue 5 October 2002 1645555-233-506
Class of Service (COS)
In some cases, the COR can be overridden by the COS. See the Trk-to-Trk
Restriction Override field documented with the ‘‘Class of Service’’ on
page 672.
Controlled Restriction
Restrictions assigned via Controlled Restriction override COR restriction.
Emergency Access to Attendant
Emergency Access to Attendant calls are not restricted by COR.
Interactions for called-party and calling-party restrictions
Night Service
Night Service and Night Station Trunk Answer From Any Station
override Inward, Manual Terminating Line, and Public Restrictions.
Tie-Trunk Access
Incoming dial-repeating tie-trunk calls can be completed directly to an
inward-restricted or public-restricted extension but cannot be extended by
an attendant to an inward-restricted telephone.
Incoming trunk calls cannot be transferred to an inward-restricted
extension when a 3-way COR check is made.
Incoming trunk calls can be transferred from an unrestricted extension to
an inward-restricted or public-restricted extension if the 3-way COR check
on Conference is overridden.
Interactions for fully restricted service restrictions
Centralized Attendant Service (CAS)
Since COR information is not passed over Release Link Trunks (RLT),
fully restricted service allows all CAS calls. Therefore, CAS allows a
public network call to complete to a fully-restricted station.
Distributed Communications System (DCS)
Fully Restricted Service allows all DCS calls because COR information is
not transparent for DCS. DCS can allow a public network call to be
completed to a Fully Restricted station.
Power Failure Transfer
All authorization features are bypassed when the switch is in Emergency
Transfer Mode.