Administrator's Guide

Emergency calls
Issue 5 October 2002 1671555-233-506
Related screens
Class of Service (Off-Hook Alert)
Console Parameters
Queue Priorities
Feature-Related System Parameters
Reserved Slots for Attendant Priority Queue
Time before Off-Hook Alert
Emergency Access Redirection Extension
Extension of Journal/Schedule Printer
Time of Scheduled Emergency Access Summary Report
Attendant Console - Feature Button Assignments
Feature Access Code (FAC)
Emergency Access To Attendant Access Code
Emergency calls
Enhancement to E911 includes the ability to report the Emergency Location
Extension as the CPN by manually correlating the CPN with the phone location,
even if the phone is moved.
Detailed description
If the IP Emergency Calls field on the Station screen is set to extension, the
MultiVantage system uses the Emergency Location Extension as the E911 CPN
instead of the IP phones extension.
The Enhanced 911 (E911) systems installed in many jurisdictions in the U.S. are
equipped so that by dialing a service code (911 in the U.S.), a victim of a fire,
accident, crime, or medical emergency may quickly access a public safety agency
that will dispatch the appropriate response. The public E911 system maintains a
database that stores location and background information to aid public safety
agencies in responding quickly with the appropriate assistance. Information about
the calling party can be triggered by the transmission of a Callers Emergency
Service Identification (CESID) number over Centralized Automatic Message
Accounting (CAMA) trunks when the call originates from behind a PBX. 911