Administrator's Guide

Features and technical reference
555-233-5061712 Issue 5 October 2002
A Check-In/Check-Out request sends information for Names Registration to the
switch. This information includes the guests name, room extension, and
call-coverage path. If the PMS link is down and check-in is done from an
attendant console or display-equipped front-desk phone, the guests name and
coverage-path information is not automatically updated.
If a guest/patient room has both a voice and a data extension, the checkout request
applies only to the voice extension.
Room Change/Room Swap
Room Change/Room Swap is provided only through PMS and activated from a
PMS terminal. With Room Change, data pertaining to the old room including a
pending wakeup request, the guests name (transparent/ASCII mode), and the
guests call-coverage path (transparent/ASCII mode) moves to the new room.
With Room Swap, data pertaining to the two rooms swap. With either feature, if
the occupancy status is inconsistent, the system sends an error message to PMS.
Names Registration
Names Registration automatically sends a guests name and room extension from
PMS to the switch at check-in, and removes this information at checkout. The
guests call-coverage path is sent to the switch during check-in and set to the
administered Default Call Coverage Path for Client Rooms at checkout.
Guest Information Input/Change
Guest Information Input/Change allows the attendant to enter or alter guest
information (name or coverage path). Information changed at the PMS is sent
automatically to the switch.
PMS/INTUITY Link Integration
PMS/INTUITY Link Integration allows the following PMS administrative
messages to tandem through the switch to the I
NTUITY Lodging adjunct. This
eliminates the need for the I
NTUITY-to-PMS voice messaging link. This does not
remove the need for the I
NTUITY-to-PMS call accounting link.
Room-data-image (database synchronization)
Modify (guest-information)
Add/Remote Text/Fax Notification Message (message-waiting status)
Transfer/Merge Mailbox (room change/swap)