Administrator's Guide

Misoperation Handling
Issue 5 October 2002 1765555-233-506
Standard operation
Standard misoperation handling is in effect when you set the Intercept Treatment
on Failed Trunk Transfers field to
y and set the Misoperation Alerting field to n.
The type of telephone that is in use when the misoperation occurs (analog
single-line or digital multiappearance) affects standard misoperation handling.
The following scenario describes a typical misoperation on an analog terminal.
1. While connected to an incoming external call, an analog-terminal user
flashes with the intent of transferring the call to another terminal.
2. The user hears dial tone, dials an invalid extension, and hangs up.
3. A misoperation occurs. The analog-terminal user receives priority ringback
The following scenario describes a typical misoperation on a digital terminal.
1. While connected to an incoming external call, a digital-terminal user with a
call on hold goes on-hook during another feature operation before
completing the operation.
2. The user hears dial tone, dials an invalid extension, and hangs up.
3. A misoperation occurs unless going on-hook completes the operation (for
example, call transfer). The held call remains on hold indefinitely with a
flashing call-appearance lamp.
Enhanced operation
Once you enable Misoperation Alerting, calls are handled depending upon the
type of call placed on hold and the type of telephone (digital multiappearance,
analog single-line, or attendant console) in use when the misoperation occurs. The
following list describes the 3 call types that determine misoperation handling.
Call Type 1 An outgoing public-network call is classified as Type 1
when answer supervision is received or when the trunk groups Answer
Supervision Timer expires, even if the trunk is still ringing. An incoming
call is classified as Type 1 when it is answered.
Call Type 2 An incoming external-public-network call is classified as
Type 2 before it is answered. A misoperation cannot occur with a Type 2
call because an unanswered incoming call cannot be placed on hold
without first being answered.
Call Type 3 All internal calls, conference calls, and tie-trunk calls are
classified as Type 3.