Administrator's Guide

Multiappearance Preselection and Preference
Issue 5 October 2002 1771555-233-506
Idle Appearance Preference
When a user lifts the handset to place a call, the system automatically
connects them to an idle appearance even if an incoming call is ringing at
another appearance. The in-use (red) lamp tracks an idle appearance when
the user lifts the handset.
Last Appearance Preference
When a user lifts the handset, they connect to the call appearance or
bridged appearance last used for a call, unless an audibly ringing call on a
different appearance caused the line selection to move. If the line selection
moves, a call may be originated, answered, or unheld, depending on the
state of that appearance.
Before lifting the handset to place or answer a call, the user can press a call
appearance button or a feature button to select an appearance when the
in-use lamp is dark. Preselection reenters a held call or activates a feature
or the speakerphone if the telephone is so equipped.
Preselection overrides both Preference options. If the user does not lift the
handset within 5 seconds after using Preselection, the selected appearance
returns to idle.
You can assign a preselection feature button. For example, if a user presses
an Abbreviated Dialing button, a call appearance is automatically selected.
If the user lifts the handset within 5 seconds, the system automatically
places the call.
Preference dictates whether a user connects to the ringing call appearance
or to an idle call appearance. If there is no call, users automatically connect
to an idle call appearance when they lift the handset, regardless of which
Preference option is assigned.
Multiappearance telephones can have from 2 to 10 call appearances. One
of these call appearances is reserved for placing calls or for receiving a
Priority Calling call. If a telephone has 2 call appearances and one of them
is active, a nonpriority call cannot access the other call appearance, even if
the call appearance is idle. The default number of call appearances is 3.
The reserved call appearance is not a fixed-position button; it is just the
last-idle call appearance. For example, if a telephone has 10 call
appearances, any 9 can be in use, but the tenth (last) is reserved.