Administrator's Guide

Night Service
Issue 5 October 2002 1783555-233-506
If a trunk without disconnect supervision goes to Night Service, the system
drops the trunk after a period of time to avoid locking up the trunk. The call
is not routed to the DID-LDN night extension.
Considerations for TAAS
If Night Service is active and a power failure occurs, the system, when
brought back up, automatically returns to Night Service mode.
Considerations for Trunk Group Night Service
All incoming calls on Night Service trunk groups go to the trunk groups
NSE unless the trunk group member has its own Trunk Group Member
Night Destination, in which case the calls are redirected to that destination
instead of the trunk groups NSE.
Calls already in progress on a trunk group (such as talking, on hold, or
waiting in queue), are not affected when the individual Trunk Group Night
Service or System Night Service is activated.
Trunk Group Night Service and System Night Service work independently
of one another.
When a user activates System Night Service, any trunks that are
controlled by individual Trunk Group Night Service buttons remain
in day service. Trunk groups that are not currently assigned to Trunk
Group Night Service are assigned to System Night Service.
Trunks with individual Trunk Group Night Service can be removed
from Night Service even though the rest of the system remains in
Night Service.
When a user deactivates System Night Service, any trunks that have
individual Trunk Group Night Service still active remain in night
Trunks with individual Trunk Group Night Service can be placed
into Night Service even though the rest of the system remains in day
If a trunk is added to a trunk group while that trunk group is in Trunk
Group Night Service, the trunk is brought up in night service.
Individual Trunk Group Night Service does not apply to DID trunk groups.
If Night Service is activated for a trunk group, and a power failure occurs,
the trunk group automatically returns to the Night Service mode.