Administrator's Guide

Personal Station Access
Issue 5 October 2002 1797555-233-506
PSA does not change coverage path operations. If a station is dissociated,
its calls still go to coverage unless they are forwarded.
Property Management System
A station assigned to a room, rather than to a person who needs to work in
multiple locations, should not use PSA. Such a station should not have PSA
in its COS.
Save Translations
PSA commands cannot be successfully executed during a save translations.
When a reset 3 or greater (reset 4, reset 5, and so on) occurs on the system,
all associations revert to their state as of the last save translations.
Security Violation Notification (SVN)
PSA security violations are tracked and reported by SVN, if it is active.
Tenant Partitioning
If a terminal is already associated, a user attempting a PSA associate
request at that terminal must specify a station in the same partition as the
station already associated with the terminal.
However, anyone, in any partition, can execute a PSA dissociate request at
the terminal (if the associated station has PSA in its COS) and then execute
a PSA associate request for a station in any tenant partition.
Related topics
See ‘‘Class of Service’’ on page 672 for information about and field descriptions
on the Class of Service screen.
See ‘‘Configuring Avaya MultiVantage for telecommuting’’ on page 357 for
information about setting up telecommuting.
See ‘‘Feature Access Code’’ on page 781 for information about and field
descriptions on the Feature Access Code screen.
See ‘‘Feature-Related System Parameters’’ on page 795 for information about and
field descriptions on the Feature-Related System Parameters screen.
See ‘‘Setting up Personal Station Access’’ on page 360 for information about
associating the preferences and permissions on your station with any other
compatible terminal.
See ‘‘Setting up remote access’’ on page 370 for information about access the
system from a remote location.
See ‘‘Station’’ on page 1127 for information about and field descriptions on the
Station screen.