Administrator's Guide

Features and technical reference
555-233-5061886 Issue 5 October 2002
Call Coverage
A TEG can have a Call Coverage path assigned, but cannot be a point in a
Call Coverage path.
A Send Term button for the TEG can be assigned to group members who
have multiappearance phones. When a user presses Send Term, calls to the
TEG redirect to coverage. The merged status lamp lights on all phones with
a Send Term button. Any member with a Send Term button can deactivate
Send Term by pressing the button. Incoming calls are directed to the group.
Call Park
A TEG call cannot be parked on the group extension. However, a group
member answering a call can park a TEG call on their own extension.
Direct Department Calling (DDC) and Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)
A TEG cannot be a member of a DDC or UCD group.
Internal Automatic Answer
TEG calls are not eligible for Internal Automatic Answer; however, calls
placed to an individual extension are eligible.
Leave Word Calling
Leave Word Calling messages can be stored for a TEG and can be retrieved
by a member of the group, a covering user of the group, or a system-wide
message retriever. Phone Display and proper authorization can be assigned
to the message retriever. Also, a remote Automatic Message Waiting lamp
can be assigned to a group member to provide a visual indication that a
message has been stored for the group. One indicator is allowed per TEG.
Privacy Manual Exclusion
Privacy Manual Exclusion can be assigned to any of the phones in a
TEG to prohibit bridging by other group members. A TEG member who
attempts to bridge onto a call with Privacy Manual Exclusion active is
Temporary Bridged Appearance
At multiappearance phones in the TEG, a temporary bridged appearance is
maintained after a call is answered. Thus, other members of the group can
bridge onto the call.
Related topics
See ‘‘Terminating Extension Group’’ on page 1223 for information about and
fields descriptions on the Terminating Extension Group screen.
See ‘‘Station’’ on page 1127 for information on button assignments.
See ‘‘Assigning a terminating extension group’’ on page 244 for instructions.