Administrator's Guide

Features and technical reference
555-233-5061920 Issue 5 October 2002
If your system has a voice-synthesizer circuit pack and LWC Activation is
active, users can retrieve messages from two locations:
Users can retrieve LWC messages with Voice Message Retrieval.
Users can retrieve all other messages with AUDIX.
If you do not have a TN725B speech-synthesizer board, non-display phone
users cannot retrieve LWC messages sent via the LWC button on a phone.
Bridged Call Appearance
Voice Message Retrieval on a Bridged Call Appearance functions the same
as if it were activated by the primary extension associated with the bridged
call appearance.
Leave Word Calling
Voice Message Retrieval enhances LWC by allowing any authorized
touch-tone phone user to retrieve messages.
Related topics
See ‘‘Audible message waiting’’ on page 1478 for information about letting users
know they have messages.
See ‘‘Feature Access Code’’ on page 781 for information about and field
descriptions on the Feature Access Code screen. Complete the LWC Message
Retrieval Lock, LWC Message Retrieval Unlock, Voice Coverage Message
Retrieval Access Code, and Voice Principal Message Retrieval Access Code fields
on this screen to administer voice message retrieval.
See ‘‘Feature-Related System Parameters’’ on page 795 for information about and
field descriptions on the Feature-Related System Parameters screen. Complete the
Stations With System-Wide Retrieval Permission and Message Waiting Lamp
Indicates Status For fields on this screen to administer voice message retrieval.
See ‘‘Station’’ on page 1127 for information about and field descriptions on the
Station screen. Complete the Security Code field on this screen to administer
voice message retrieval.