Administrator's Guide

Whisper paging
Issue 5 October 2002 1929555-233-506
For example, lets say Call Forwarding All Calls is activated on a phone. If
there are no active calls, a whisper page to that phone will ring at that phone as a
priority call. For information on blocking incoming whisper pages, see ‘‘Allowing
users to block whisper pages’’.
Group answering environments
Whisper paging does not work with extensions assigned to a group answering
environment. You cannot place a whisper page to the main extension assigned to a
hunt group, split, skill, or terminating extension group. You cannot place a
whisper page to any extension that is a member of one of these groups.
Network restrictions
Whisper paging does not work across networks (such as Distributed
Communication System networks or Electronic Tandem Networks): both the
paging user and paged user must be on the same switch.
When a call is on the speaker, an incoming whisper page is heard over the speaker
too. When the group listening feature on a 6400-series phone is active, an
incoming whisper page is heard on both the handset and the speaker.
Attendants cannot intrude on a whisper page. If an attendant is using
intrusion to talk to a user, that user cannot receive a whisper page.
An attendant may initiate a whisper page while a call is split away using
auto-manual splitting. However, they cannot use Release, Hold, or Split
after the page is made.
Bridged Call Appearances
Whisper pages are designed to reach a specific user associated with a
specific extension.
When an extension and one or more of its bridged appearances are
in use, parties on the bridged appearances hear the tone that signals
an incoming whisper page but only the user on the principle
extension hears the announcement. Only the display on the principle
extension shows the whisper page message.
When all appearances are idle or only a bridged appearance is in
use, a whisper page rings the principal extension with priority