Administrator's Guide

Wideband Switching
Issue 5 October 2002 1935555-233-506
ISDN-PRI terminal adapters
For wideband switching with non-ISDN-PRI equipment, you can use an
ISDN-PRI terminal adapter. ISDN-PRI terminal adapters translate standard ISDN
signaling into a form that can be used by the endpoint application and vice versa.
The terminal adapter also must adhere to the PRI-endpoint boundaries as
administered on the Avaya MultiVantage switch when handling both incoming (to
the endpoint) applications and outgoing calls.
The terminal adapter passes calls to and receives calls from the line-side
ISDN-SETUP messages indicating the data rate and specific B-channels (DS0) to
be used and communicates all other call status information via standard ISDN
messages. See DEFINITY Line-Side ISDN Primary Rate Interface Technical
Reference for more information.
Line-side (T1 or E1) ISDN-PRI facility
A line-side ISDN-PRI (T1 or E1) facility is comprised of a group of DS0s (24 for
a T1 facility and 32 for an E1 facility). In this context, these DS0s are also called
channels. T1 facilities have 23 B-channels and a single D-channel. E1 facilities
have 30 B-channels, 1 D-channel, and a framing channel. Data flows
bi-directionally across the facility between the switch and the ISDN-PRI terminal
A PRI-endpoint (PE) is a combination of DS0 B-channels on a line-side
ISDN-PRI facility that has been assigned an extension.
A PRI-endpoint can support calls of lower bandwidth. In other words, a PE having
a width 6 (six DS0s) can handle a call of one channel (64 Kbps) up to and
including six channels (384 Kbps). Also, a PE can support calls on non-adjacent
channels. For example, an endpoint application connected to a PE defined as
using B-channels 1 through 6 of an ISDN-PRI facility could originate a call using
B-channels 1, 3, and 5 successfully. If the PE has been administered to use
flexible channel allocation, the algorithm for offering a call to the PE starts from
the first DS0 administered to the PE. Since only one active call is permitted on a
PE, contiguous B-channels are always selected unless one or more B-channels are
not in service.
A PE remains in service unless all of its B-channels are out of service. In other
words, if B-channel 1 is out of service and the PE is five B-channels wide, the PE
could still handle a wideband call of up to four B-channels in width. A PE can
only be active on a single call at any given time; that is, it is either considered idle,
active (busy), or out of service.