Administrator's Guide

Features and technical reference
555-233-5061936 Issue 5 October 2002
One facility can support multiple separate and distinct PRI-endpoints (several
extensions) within a single facility. Non-overlapping contiguous sets of DS0s
(B-channels) are associated with each PE.
Universal digital signal level 1 board
The UDS1 board is the interface for line-side and network facilities carrying
wideband calls.
Non-signaling endpoint applications
Wideband can also support configurations using non-signaling (non-ISDN-PRI)
line-side T1 or E1 facilities. The endpoint applications are the same as those
defined for configurations with signaling.
Data service unit/channel service unit
This unit simply passes the call to the endpoint application. Unlike terminal
adapters, the device service unit (DSU)/channel service unit (CSU) does not have
signaling capability.
No DSU/CSU is needed if the endpoint application has a fractional T1
Line-side (T1 or E1) facility
This facility, like the ISDN-PRI facility, is composed of a group of DS0s (23 for a
T1 facility and 30 for an E1 facility). Line-side facilities are controlled solely
from the switch. Through the access-endpoint command, a specific DS0 or group
of DS0s is assigned an extension. This individual DS0 or group, along with the
extension, is known as a wideband access endpoint (WAE).
Wideband access endpoint
WAEs have no signaling interface to the switch. These endpoints simply transmit
and receive wideband data when the connection is active.
The switch can determine if the connection is active, but this does not
necessarily mean that data is actually coming across the connection.
A WAE is treated as a single endpoint and can support only one call. If all DS0s
comprising a wideband access endpoint are in service, then the wideband access
endpoint is considered in service. Otherwise, the wideband access endpoint is
considered out of service. If an in-service wideband access endpoint has no active
calls on its DS0s, it is considered idle. Otherwise, the wideband access endpoint is
considered busy.