Administrator's Guide

Issue 5 October 2002 1953555-233-506
Application programming interface
Advanced Private-Line Termination
A software process that is associated with an extension and whose purpose is to supervise a call. An extension
can have multiple appearances. Also called call appearance, line appearance, and occurrence. See also call
An adjunct that requests and receives ASAI services or capabilities. One or more applications can reside on a
single adjunct. However, the switch cannot distinguish among several applications residing on the same
adjunct and treats the adjunct, and all resident applications, as a single application. The terms application and
adjunct are used interchangeably throughout this document.
applications processor
A micro-computer based, program controlled computer providing application services for the DEFINITY
switch. The processor is used with several user-controlled applications such as traffic analysis and electronic
application service element
See capability group.
The organizational structure of a system, including hardware and software.
See Automatic Route Selection (ARS).
Avaya Site Administration.
See Adjunct-Switch Application Interface (ASAI)
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
The standard code for representing characters in digital form. Each character is represented by an 8-bit code
(including parity bit).
Access Security Gateway.
A communication channel between adjunct and switch for messaging purposes. An active association is one
that applies to an existing call on the switch or to an extension on the call.
asynchronous data transmission
A method of transmitting data in which each character is preceded by a start bit and followed by a stop bit,
thus permitting data characters to be transmitted at irregular intervals. This type transmission is advantageous
when transmission is not regular (characters typed at a keyboard). Also called asynchronous transmission.
See also synchronous data transmission.
asynchronous data unit (ADU)
A device that allows direct connection between RS-232C equipment and a digital switch.