Administrator's Guide

Handling incoming calls
555-233-506198 Issue 5 October 2002
Now assign the time-of-day coverage to a user. For example, we use extension
1. Type
change station 2054 and press RETURN.
The Station screen for extension 2054 appears.
2. Move your cursors to Coverage Path 1 and type
t plus the number of the
Time of Day Coverage Table.
3. Press
ENTER to save your changes.
Now calls to extension 2054 redirect to coverage depending on the day and time
that each call arrives.
Creating coverage answer groups
You can create a coverage answer group so that up to 8 phones simultaneously
ring when calls cover to the group. Anyone in the answer group can answer the
incoming call.
Extension: 2054 Lock Messages? n BCC: 0
Type: 7406D Security Code: 4196__ TN: 1
Port: _____ Coverage Path 1: t1_ COR: 1
Name: __________________________ Coverage Path 2: ___ COS: 1
Hunt-to-Station: _______
Data Module? n Personalized Ringing Pattern: 1
Display Module? n Message Lamp Ext: ________
MM Complex Data Ext: ________