Administrator's Guide

Handling incoming calls
555-233-506204 Issue 5 October 2002
To change call coverage from off-site:
1. Type
change feature-access-codes and press RETURN.
The Feature Access Code screen appears.
2. In the Change Coverage Access Code field, type
Use the
*85 feature access code to change a coverage path from a phone or
remote station.
3. Press
ENTER to save your changes.
4. Type
change cor and press RETURN.
The Class of Restriction screen appears.
5. In the Can Change Coverage field, type
This permits users to select one of two previously administered coverage
6. Press
ENTER to save your changes.
7. Type
change station 1014 and press RETURN.
The Station screen for extension 1014 appears.
8. In the Security Code field, type
In this example, this is your security code. See ‘‘Security-Related System
Parameters’’ on page 1105 for more information on setting the length of
your security code.
9. In the Coverage Path 1 and Coverage Path 2 fields, verify that both are
defined enabling your user to move from one coverage path to another.
t1 and t2 are the numbers of the Time of Day Coverage Tables.
10. Press
ENTER to save your changes.