Administrator's Guide

About this document
555-233-50622 Issue 5 October 2002
Task-related information
The information for each task is usually presented under the following headings:
Identifies the administrative procedure and gives a brief explanation of
what is accomplished by completing the task.
Before you start
Lists hardware that must be installed or other tasks that must be completed
before starting the task.
Begins with a short introduction to set up an example, then provides
step-by step, numbered instructions on how to complete the administrative
task. Screen pictures and background or decision-making information are
provided when appropriate.
Fixing problems
This section is not included in all task sections. It provides a brief coverage
of possible problems, possible causes, and suggested solutions.
More information
Presents additional technical information that pertains directly to the
completion of the current task.
Related topics
Provides cross-references to related tasks or related feature references.
Feature-related information
The information for each feature is usually presented under four headings:
Feature title
Gives the name and a brief overview of the feature. Tells what it does or
how it serves the system.
Detailed description
Provides more detailed, technical information about a feature. When
appropriate, additional guidelines and examples are provided. In some
cases, expanded technical information is provided on one or several aspects
of the feature.
Lists and briefly discusses other features that may significantly affect a
Related topics
Provides cross-references to related tasks, features, or screens.