Administrator's Guide

Handling incoming calls
555-233-506226 Issue 5 October 2002
5. Press NEXT PAGE to find the Group Member Assignments page.
6. In the Ext field, type the extensions of the agents you want in the hunt
Well type
1011, 1012, and 1013.
For a ddc group type (also known as hot seat selection), the call is
sent to the extension listed in the first Ext field. The system uses this
screen to determine the hunting sequence.
7. Press
ENTER to save your changes.
The Name fields are display-only and do not appear until the next time you
access this hunt group.
Related topics
See ‘‘Hunt Group’’ on page 875 for more information on an ‘‘ACD’’ and
non-ACD hunt group.
Changing a hunt group
To make changes to a hunt group:
1. Type
change hunt-group n and press RETURN, where n is the number of
the hunt group.
2. Change the necessary fields.
3. Press
ENTER to save your changes.
Group Number: 4 Group Extension: 3001 Group Type: ucd
Member Range Allowed: 1 - 999 Administered Members (min/max): 1 /9
Total Administered Members: 9
Ext Name (24 characters) Ext Name (24 characters)
1 :1011 14 :
2 :1012 15 :
3 :1013 16 :
4: 17 :
5: 18 :
6: 19 :
7: 20 :
8: 21 :
9: 22 :
10 : 23 :
11 : 24 :
12 : 25 :
13 : 26 :
More Members Exist