Administrator's Guide

Enhanced Mode MM complex
Issue 5 October 2002 343555-233-506
7. Single address with TAC or AAR/ARS and CDR account code
Dial mm-call button or FAC, Hear dialtone
Dial CDR FAC, Hear dialtone
Dial CDR account code, Hear dialtone
Dial TAC or AAR/ARS, Dial destination digits
8. Dual address with TAC or AAR/ARS and CDR account code
Dial mm-multinbr button or FAC, Hear dialtone
Dial CDR FAC, Hear dialtone
Dial CDR account code, Hear dialtone
Dial TAC or AAR/ARS, Dial 1st dest. digits
Dial TAC or AAR/ARS, Dial 2nd dest. digits
The user actions required to answer voice or multimedia calls at an Enhanced
multimedia complex are identical if the H.320 DVC system is configured for
auto-answer. If the H.320 DVC system is not configured for auto-answer an
additional step is required. See answering multimedia calls below.
recommends, but does not require, that Enhanced mode complexes place
their desktop video system into an auto-answer mode of operation.
Answering voice calls
Incoming voice calls will alert at the voice station of the Enhanced multimedia
complex in the normal manner. Standard alerting and call appearance flashing will
occur. They are answered in the normal manner by selecting the alerting call
appearance and going off-hook on the voice station.
Answering multimedia calls
Incoming multimedia calls will alert at the voice station of the Enhanced
multimedia complex in the same manner as voice calls with one addition. If the
alerting station has an administered mm-call button and the alerting call
appearance is the selected call appearance (for instance, the red LED is lit, on the
alerting call appearance), then the mm-call button status lamp will go on
indicating that the call on the selected call appearance is a multimedia call.
The incoming multimedia call is answered in the normal manner by selecting the
alerting call appearance and going off-hook on the voice station. If the H.320
DVC system for the answering party is configured for auto-answer, no other
action is needed to complete the multimedia call. If the H.320 DVC system for the
answering party is not configured for auto-answer, the H.320 DVC system will
alert and must also be answered by the user.
Avaya recommends, but does not
require, that Enhanced mode complexes place their desktop video system
into an auto-answer mode of operation.