Administrator's Guide

System basics
555-233-50640 Issue 5 October 2002
Setting command permissions
Avaya MultiVantage allows you to modify the permissions associated with a
login. The system maintains default permissions for each level of login, but you
may want to further restrict the login, or at least make sure the defaults are
appropriate for the user. The default values for these fields vary based on the login
When set to y, the permissions on the Command Permission Categories screen
apply for any object that is not restricted. The second and third pages of the
Command Permission Categories screen allow you to restrict the user from any
access to specified objects. If you want to limit a users permissions beyond those
on page one, enter the objects in this list. For example, if you want a user to be
able to add and change stations, but not VDNs, you can enter
y in the Administer
Stations field and the Additional Restrictions field. Then on page 2 or 3, enter
as a restricted object.
In our example, we set the permissions necessary to allow the user to administer
daylight savings time rules.
To change command permissions:
1. Type
change permissions sup3ru and press RETURN.
The Command Permission Categories screen displays.
2. Type
y in the Display Admin and Maint Data field.
3. Type
y in the Administer Features field.
4. Press
ENTER to save your work.
Login Name: sup3ru
Display Admin. and Maint. Data? y
System Measurements? y
Administer Stations? y Administer Features? y
Administer Trunks? y Administer Permissions? y
Additional Restrictions? n
Maintain Stations? n Maintain Switch Circuit Packs? n
Maintain Trunks? n Maintain Process Circuit Packs? n
Maintain Systems? n Maintain Enhanced DS1? n