Administrator's Guide

Managing trunks
555-233-506426 Issue 5 October 2002
Setting up digital trunks
Any of the common trunks, except for PCOL trunks, can be analog or digital.
(PCOL trunks can only be analog.) Administering a digital trunk group is very
similar to administering its analog counterpart, but digital trunks must connect to
a DS1 circuit pack and this circuit pack must be administered separately. The
example in this section shows you how to do this.
In most cases, Avaya recommends leaving the default settings in fields that arent
specifically mentioned in the following instructions. Your Avaya representative or
network service provider can give you more information.
Your settings in the following fields must match your providers settings:
Bit Rate
Line Coding (unless youre using a channel service unit to convert between
your line coding method and your providers)
Framing Mode
Signaling Mode
Interface Companding
Use the list above as a starting point and talk to your service provider.
Depending on your particular application, you may need to coordinate
additional administration with your service provider.
Before you start
Assign the DS1 circuit pack before you administer the members of the associated
trunk groups.
If enhanced DS1 administration is not enabled, you cannot make changes to
the DS1 Circuit Pack screen before you remove related member translations
of all trunks from the trunk group. See ‘‘ Enhanced DS1 administration’’ on
page 428.
Before you can administer a digital trunk group, you must have one or more
circuit packs that support DS1 with enough open ports to handle the number of
trunks you need to add. To find out what circuit packs you need, see the Avaya
MultiVantage Solutions Hardware Guide.