Administrator's Guide

Managing trunks
555-233-506428 Issue 5 October 2002
More information
T1 recommended settings
The table below shows recommended settings for standard T1 connections to your
local exchange carrier.
If you use b8zs line coding and esf framing, it will be easier to upgrade your T1
facility to ISDN should you want to. You can upgrade without reconfiguring
external channel service units, and your service provider wont have to
reconfigure your network connection.
E1 recommended settings
DS1 administration for E1 service varies from country to country. See Avaya
MultiVantage Application Notes for Type Approval and use the DS1 screen
illustrations in the chapter for your country as a model for your administration.
Remember that the central office serving your switch may be emulating
another countrys network protocol. If so, youll have to administer your
circuit packs and trunk groups to match the protocol used by your central
Enhanced DS1 administration
Normally, you cant change the DS1 Circuit Pack screen unless you remove all
related trunks from their trunk group. However, if the DS1 MSP field on the
System-Parameters Customer-Options screen is
y and you are assigned the
associated login permissions, you can change some of the fields on the DS1
Circuit Pack screen without removing the related trunks from their trunk group.
Field Value Notes
Line Coding b8zs Use ami-zcs if b8zs is not
Signaling Mode robbed-bit Robbed-bit signaling gives you
56K bandwidth per channel. If
you need a 64K clear channel
for applications like
asynchronous data transmission
or remote administration access,
use common channel signaling.
Framing esf Use d4 if esf is not available.