Administrator's Guide

System basics
555-233-50644 Issue 5 October 2002
Before you start
Before you can set the date and time, you need to know whether it is currently
daylight savings or standard time and know which daylight savings rule number
you want to use. Daylight savings rule numbers are located on the Daylight
Savings Rule screen.
Setting the system date and time
In our example, we set the date and time to Tuesday, November 5 at 8:30 p.m.
standard time.
To set the system date and time:
1. Type
set time and press RETURN.
The Date and Time screen displays.
2. Complete the Date fields.
a. Type
Tuesday in the Day of the Week field.
b. Type
November in the Month field.
c. Type
5 in the Day of the Month field.
d. Type
2002 in the Year field.
3. Complete the Time fields.
Use the 24-hour clock to set the hour, so if the current time is 2:00 p.m.,
you enter
14:00. You cannot update Second it automatically resets to 0
when you save your changes.
a. Type
20 in the Hour field.
b. Type
30 in the Minute field (8:30 p.m.).
c. Type
standard in the Type field.
d. Type
1 in the Daylight Savings Rule field.
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Month: November
Day of the Month: 5 Year: 2002
Hour: 20
Minute: 30 Second: XX Type: standard
Daylight Savings Rule: 1