Administrator's Guide

Managing announcements
555-233-506462 Issue 5 October 2002
Before you start
Ensure that the steps in ‘‘Setting up an FTP session’’ are complete.
Ensure that you have adequate storage space for backup on the remote host
computer. Depending on the number of announcements and file type, 60
minutes of recording may require up to 32 megabytes of storage space for
backup on the remote host computer.
Know the IP address and location of the TN2501AP circuit pack as well as
the filename (
list directory board) for the announcement that you want to
The announcement directory on the TN2501AP circuit pack is /annc.
To backup or save an announcement from the VAL board to the client computer
through an FTP session:
1. Ensure that the steps in ‘‘Setting up an FTP session’’ are complete.
2. At the FTP client, type
get filename.wav and press RETURN.
get Closed.wav
The announcement file is written to the directory from which you initiated
the FTP session.
FTP upload or download of announcement files does not preserve the
created timestamp. The file receives the current date and time when it
is written to the circuit pack or on the computer.
3. List the FTP client directory contents and ensure that the announcement
file is among those listed.
4. Terminate the FTP session (see ‘‘Ending an FTP session’’).
Deleting VAL announcements using FTP
You can delete an announcement from a TN2501AP circuit pack or from a LAN
The system denies any attempt to delete an announcement while it is
playing, being transferred, or backed up to FLASH (amber LED flashes),
regardless of whether the attempt is from a system phone, the SAT, or
through an FTP session.