Administrator's Guide

Managing announcements
555-233-506464 Issue 5 October 2002
Ensure that you have not just administered the announcement on the
Announcements/Audio Sources screen. If announcement administration
precedes the file transfer, then
the announcement appears with a zero (0) length on the
The Time Remaining fields on both the
and display integrated-annc-boards
screens do not refresh to reflect the presence of the new
announcement file on the circuit pack.
Use this procedure to ensure that the announcement length is accurate:
1. Administer the announcement at the switch (
), using the identical filename in the Name field
without spaces or the .wav file extension.
2. Attempt to play the announcement that was administered first and
transferred second.
The switch returns a busy signal at the first play attempt.
3. Attempt to play the announcement that was administered first and
transferred second in a telephone access session.
The switch returns a busy signal at the first play attempt.
4. Re-record this announcement with the same filename at a phone (see
‘‘Recording VAL announcements at a system phone’’).
To copy an announcement to a VAL circuit pack or to another LAN device:
1. Ensure that the steps in ‘‘Setting up an FTP session’’ are complete.
2. At the FTP client, type
put filename.wav and press RETURN.
put Closed.wav
3. List the contents of the VAL announcement directory or LAN device and
look for the announcement file among those listed.
FTP upload or download of announcement files does not preserve its
timestamp. The file receives the current date and time when it is
written to the circuit pack or to a computer.
4. After you are sure that the announcement is on the VAL circuit pack,
administer the announcement at the switch (
change announcements),
using the identical filename in the Name field without spaces or the .wav
file extension.
5. Terminate the FTP session (see ‘‘Ending an FTP session’’).