Administrator's Guide

Managing data calls
555-233-506498 Issue 5 October 2002
Alphanumeric Dialing
Alphanumeric Dialing enhances data-terminal dialing by allowing users to place
data calls by entering an alphanumeric name rather than a long string of numbers.
For example, a user could type 9+1-800-telefon instead of 9+1-800-835-3366 to
make a call. Users need to remember only the alpha-name of the far-end
terminating point.
Alphanumeric Dialing allows you to change a mapped string (digit-dialing
address) without having to inform all users of a changed dial address. Users dial
the alpha name.
When a user enters an alphanumeric name, the system converts the name to a
sequence of digits according to an alphanumeric-dialing table. If the entered name
is not found in the table, the system denies the call attempt and the user receives
either an
Invalid Address message (DCP) or a Wrong Address message
Because data terminals access the switch via DCP or ISDN-BRI data modules,
dialing procedures vary:
For DCP, at the DIAL: prompt users type the alphanumeric name and press
For ISDN-BRI, at the CMD: prompt users type d, a space, and the
alphanumeric name, and press
More than one alphanumeric name can see the same digit string.
Administering Alphanumeric Dialing
1. On the Alphanumeric Dialing Table screen, administer the Alpha-name and
Mapped String fields. See ‘‘Alphanumeric Dialing Table’’ on page 604 for
more information.
Alphanumeric dialing does not apply to endpoints with Hayes modems.