Administrator's Guide

Data-Only Off-Premises Extensions
Issue 5 October 2002 503555-233-506
Users can place data calls to this type of data endpoint using Telephone Dialing or
Data Terminal (Keyboard) Dialing. Since there is no telephone at the remote site,
originate data calls from the remote data terminal using Keyboard Dialing only.
Administering Data-Only Off-Premises
1. On the Processor/Trunk Data Module screen, administer all fields.
See ‘‘Data modules’’ on page 707 for more information.
The system does not support communications between two TDMs. Modem
Pooling is similar to a ‘‘TDM’’, it cannot be used on calls to or from a
Data-Only Off-Premises Extension.
Telephone Dialing
An on-premises multiappearance telephone may have a Data Extension
button associated with the TDM used for a Data-Only Off-Premises
Extension. The telephone user and the remote user share control of the data
module. Actions of the user at the telephone may affect the remote user.
1-Button Transfer to Data
The telephone user can transfer a call to the Data-Only Off-Premises
Extension. The Data Extension button lamp on the telephone lights
and the Call in Progress lamp on the data module lights during a
data call.
Data Call Preindication
The multiappearance telephone user presses the idle associated Data
Extension button to reserve a data module. The data module is busy
to all other users. When the user reserves a data module, the lamp
associated with the Data Extension button winks and lights at any
other associated telephones. A remote user receives the BUSY
message when attempting to originate a call.
To establish a data call, the telephone user presses the associated
busy Data Extension button to transfer the call to the telephone. The
data module associated with the Data Extension button is
disconnected from the call. The Call in Progress lamp on the data
module goes dark.