Administrator's Guide

Managing data calls
555-233-506514 Issue 5 October 2002
Administering Modem Pooling
For Integrated modem poolings:
1. On the Modem Pool Group screen, administer all fields. See ‘‘Modem Pool
Group’’ on page 1038 for more information.
2. On the Feature Access Code screen, administer the Data Origination
Access Code field. See ‘‘Feature Access Code’’ on page 781 for more
3. On the Data Module screen, administer all fields. See ‘‘Data modules’’ on
page 707 for more information.
For Combined modem poolings:
1. On the Modem Pool Group screen, administer all fields. See ‘‘Modem Pool
Group’’ on page 1038 for more information.
2. On the Feature Access Code screen, administer the Data Origination
Access Code field. See ‘‘Feature Access Code’’ on page 781 for more
On data calls between a data module and an analog-data endpoint,
Return-to-Voice releases the modem and returns it to the pool. The
telephone user connects to the analog-data endpoint.
For traffic purposes, the system accumulates data on modem-pooling calls
separate from voice calls. Measurements on the pools also accumulate.
Modem Pooling is not restricted. Queuing for modems is not provided,
although calls queued on a hunt group retain reserved modems.
Avoid mixing modems from different vendors within a combined pool
because such modems may differ in transmission characteristics.
Each data call that uses Modem Pooling uses four time slots (not just two).
As a result, heavy usage of Modem Pooling could affect TDM
bus-blocking characteristics.
Tandem switches do not insert a pooled modem. The originating and
terminating switches insert a pooled modem.