Administrator's Guide

Screen reference
555-233-506598 Issue 5 October 2002
Administered Connection
This screen assigns an end-to-end Administered Connection (AC) between two
access endpoints or data endpoints. The AC is established automatically by the
system whenever the system restarts or the AC is due to be active. See
‘‘Administered connections’’ on page 1454 and ‘‘Access Endpoint’’ on page 593
for additional information.
Field descriptions for page 1
Screen 46. Administered Connection screen
Connection Number
This is a display-only field showing an unassigned AC number when the screen is
accessed using an administration command such as
change or display.
Used to route the AC to a desired endpoint. Enter the address of the destination
access or data endpoint. This endpoint is the terminating party of the AC and need
not be local to the switch on which the AC is assigned. The entry must be
consistent with the local switchs dial plan (that is, the first digits are assigned as
change administered-connection Page 1 of 1
Connection Number: 1 Enable? y
Originator: ________
Destination: __________________________________
Name: __________________
Continuous? n
Sun? n Mon? n Tue? n Wed? n Thu? n Fri? n Sat? n
Start Time: 00:00
Duration: 000:00
Alarm Type: warning Alarm Threshold: 5
Retry Interval: 2
Priority: 5 Auto Restoration? y