Administrator's Guide

CAMA Numbering Format
Issue 5 October 2002 645555-233-506
Ext Code
Ext Len
System CESID Default
Total Length
Valid entries Usage
1 to 11 digits or
1 to 16 digits or
blank (S8300
Media Server,
Enter the number that will be used to identify the calling
terminal within an emergency service system. This field
may represent a prefix to an extension or the entire CESID.
Valid entries Usage
Up to 5 digits
or blank
Up to 7 digits
or blank
(S8300 Media
Server, S8700
Enter the leading digits or all of the digits in the extension
for the specified CESID. If the extension length is greater
than the number of digits in the extension code, the
extension code will be interpreted as a block of digits. For
example, if the extension length is 4 and the extension
code is 11, the CESID will serve extensions 1100 through
1199. The Ext Code 11 is for a DID block. An Ext Code of
126 might point a non-DID block to a nearby DID
extension 5241666.
Valid entries Usage
to 7 or
Enter the number of digits in the extension.
Valid entries Usage
1 to 16 digits Enter a default CESID. This number will be sent over the
CAMA trunk if the Ext Code field does not have an entry.
Valid entries Usage
or blank Enter the total number of digits to send.